Mobile Vaccine Clinic
Mobile clinics are for pet vaccines and basic wellness services only (deworming, flea treatments, nail trims).
No appointments needed!
Spay/neuter services are not available at our mobile clinics.
We would like to serve our customers as efficiently as possible. To help expedite services please:
Join the line and await paperwork
Please have all past vaccine records ready to present with most current on top
Have your payment ready (we accept cash & card)
Please completely fill out your intake form
Please write as clearly as possible
We hope to see you at our next mobile clinic!
Rabies: $13
Da2pp | Bordetella (Dogs): $17
Fvrcp | (Cats): $17
Microchips: $30
Round Worm Treatment: $17
Tape Worm Treatment: $30
Flea/Tick Treatment: $26 - $67
Nail Trim: $23
Leptospirosis: $30
Canine Influenza: $30
*Note* - There is a $10 Vaccine clinic service fee per pet. This fee helps cover examination, administrative and operational costs.